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Digitize Process Management according to Deming's PDCA cycle.

Representative icon of a flowchart.
Modelize your process
Representative icon for planning functions.
Plan in
  • eGAM
Representative icon for the process execution functionalities offered by the eGAM BPM platform.
Run the process
Representative icon for the available process control options.
Control the process
Representative icon for analysis options
Analyzes the process
Icon representing process improvement.
Improve the process
  • eGAM
makes it easier for you to put your PDCA cycle into practice with the help of ITCs, but your intelligence and know-how are essential, and that of your team, so that the Continuous Improvement of your organization becomes a reality.
Let's start with a Process
Let's define Tasks
Determine Responsible Persons and Deadlines by Default
Any organization to add value requires executing a series of processes, which will depend on its mission and purpose. We could illustrate the operation of
  • eGAM
with any process, but given the choice, and given that all organizations we owe it to our customers, we are going to choose a Customer Complaints and Claims Management Process to illustrate how
  • eGAM
Now is the time to define our Complaints Management model and the Actions (tasks) to deal with them. Let's imagine a simple process like the one on the left in which four tasks (in orange) and a decision rule (in blue) have been defined. It is advisable to represent the process graphically, although it is not essential.
Once the tasks are defined, we determine the predefined responsible users, as well as the task resolution deadlines (not essential). We can use any tool to perform the graphic representation. The example has been made with MS Office.
Illustrative image of the channels through which we can reach opportunities for improvement.
Example of a simple flowchart that illustrates the procedure for receiving a complaint.
Example of a flowchart that illustrates the procedure for receiving a complaint, detailing who is responsible and the deadlines for each of the tasks.

Any organization to add value requires executing a series of processes, which will depend on its mission and purpose. We could illustrate the operation of
  • eGAM
with any process, but given the choice, and given that all organizations we owe it to our customers, we are going to choose a Customer Complaints and Claims Management Process to illustrate how
  • eGAM
Illustrative image of the channels through which we can reach opportunities for improvement.

Now is the time to define our Complaints Management model and the Actions (tasks) to deal with them. Let's imagine a simple process like the one on the left in which four tasks (in orange) and a decision rule (in blue) have been defined. It is advisable to represent the process graphically, although it is not essential.
Example of a simple flowchart that illustrates the procedure for receiving a complaint.

Once the tasks are defined, we determine the predefined responsible users, as well as the task resolution deadlines (not essential). We can use any tool to perform the graphic representation. The example has been made with MS Office.
Example of a flowchart that illustrates the procedure for receiving a complaint, detailing who is responsible and the deadlines for each of the tasks.
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